YourConstruction Candidate

Finding your dream job can be a full-time job in itself. Luckily, it’s actually someone’s job to do that for you!...

Money can be difficult to talk about and so it’s understandable that so many people are reluctant to bring up the subject of a raise at work. Here’s why everyone should be negotiating their salary and tips on how to go about it...

There are endless opportunities built on chance connections so it follows that the more connections you maintain, the more likely you are to come across opportunities...

Redundancy is tough. It knocks your confidence and unexpectedly disrupts your life. Here are our tips on how to bounce back after redundancy...

Your CV is the first thing a prospective employer will see about you and if they like what they see, it gives them key examples to ask you to elaborate on in an interview. But what should you actually include in your CV? Here are our ideas of what details to shine a light on in your CV...

So it’s the end of your interview and you’ve answered all of the questions perfectly. The interviewer then asks you if you have any questions of your own. You answer “no” because that shows that you were listening and you did your preparatory research, right? Wrong. Perhaps the most important question of the interview, the opportunity to ask your own questions not only allows you to show your interest and enthusiasm for the role and the...