18 Oct How to Respond to an Invitation to Interview
First impressions are everything! Especially when applying for a new job. The first bit of organic communication after your application between you and the organisation you are applying for will likely be an invitation to interview so make sure you appear professional and enthusiastic. Follow these simple steps to reply to an interview invitation:
- Respond in a timely manner
Checking and responding to messages when applying for jobs is essential! As soon as you receive an invitation to interview, you need to be aware so you can draft a timely answer and demonstrate your interest in the role. Replying late could at best give the impression of disorganisation and disinterest in the position and at worst cost you the job!
- Be clear
It may be that HR or hiring managers receive hundreds of applications and invite dozens to interview. Ensure you clearly include your name and the position you are interviewing for in the subject line of your email and whether you are accepting or declining the invitation.
E.g. Interview Confirmation for Adminstrative Assistant – John Smith
- Demonstrate professional enthusiasm
Be sure to be professional and courteous by addressing the sender of the invitation directly and thanking them for the opportunity. Remark that you are looking forward to the interview, there’s no need to overdo it but this simple comment will exemplify your interest in the role and your positive attitude.
E.g. Dear Jane,
Thank you for inviting me to interview for the position of Administrative Assistant…
- Answer any requests for information
Firstly, confirm your attendance at the interview. If the proposed date or time is inconvenient for you, merely apologise and explain your situation and provide times you are available to interview for HR or the hiring manager to select from. If the invitation requests further documentation like your CV, identification or certification of your qualifications, don’t forget to attach these documents to your email.
E.g. Apologies, but I am unable to attend the proposed interview date. I will be available, however, all day on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th. Please let me know if either of these dates are convenient to you.
- Ask for crucial details that may be missing
Is there anything you need to know about the interview that hasn’t been mentioned? Now is the time to ask. Do you know exactly where you need to be and when? Are you required to prepare anything in advance like a presentation? Round of the email by asking if they require any further information from yourself.
E.g. Please let me know if you require any further information.
- Proofread
Proofread your answer! You might be in a hurry to respond but nothing looks more careless and unprofessional than spelling and grammar mistakes. You can even ask someone to check over your email for you to be doubly sure!
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